Stephen Tchaou

Software Developer

Stephen Tchaou

Hi! I'm Stephen Tchaou

I am a software developer living in San Francisco, California.

As a former biochemistry graduate and nursing associate, I am interested in:

Please take a look at the rest of my website below, and feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions.

About Stephen

After graduating college with a degree in biochemistry with a focus on medicine, I worked for a few years as a certified nursing associate and then as a teacher. I greatly enjoyed the health and education fields, but I soon learned that I truly loved programming and web development as well as working with a team to tackle tough projects.

In my spare time, I enjoy hosting and competing in video game tournaments and reading up on various science topics.

With some help from Thinkful, I acquired a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as some skills in other useful web development technologies.

If you are looking to sign on a software engineer, please feel free to contact me! I am looking forward greatly to collaborating with fellow developers to build amazing programs and software.

Contact Stephen

I would love to hear back from you! Please feel to reach out of me at any of the below:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. GitHub
  3. Email
  4. Twitter
  5. Phone
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